Just Spring by Madhusudhan Konda is a nice 80 pages book. Basically a brief introduction to the Spring Framework. The all you have to know to just start using Spring.
Windows Error Reporting (WER) provides a very useful information for debugging production issues, especially when it comes to the unhandled exceptions. CLR integrates WER seamlessly and gives everything you need to track the issue. WER generates an event log record which gives you a path to the .wer file. A common .wer file contains a section of Problem Signatures Sig[0].Name=Problem Signature 01 Sig[0].Value=WerTest.exe Sig[1].Name=Problem Signature 02 Sig[1].Value= Sig[2].Name=Problem Signature 03 Sig[2].Value=5b68a7e8 Sig[3].Name=Problem Signature 04 Sig[3].Value=WerTest Sig[4].Name=Problem Signature 05 Sig[4].Value= Sig[5].Name=Problem Signature 06 Sig[5].Value=5b68a7e8 Sig[6].Name=Problem Signature 07 Sig[6].Value=1 Sig[7].Name=Problem Signature 08 Sig[7].Value=5 Sig[8].Name=Problem Signature 09 Sig[8].Value=System.NotImplementedException Here Problem Signature 07 and Problem Signature 08 are very important pieces of information to find t...
I was looking for a way to share some details of implementation with my colleagues and in the same time to have it as a documentation on which we could collaborate and evolve it. It also should have been visual to have a better understating on composition. I could of course draw it from scratch using any existing drawing tool, but since I had quite a lot of types to put on, I gave up on the idea of never-ending copy/pasting from code to the diagram. Fortunately, one of my colleagues suggested me to try PlantUML . I gave it a try using an online editor and was surprised by the efficiency and the speed my diagram started to get in shape. It's much more easier to write a text and the syntax is very intuitive, so why bother with drawing and aligning those boxes while you can just leave it on PlantUML? We did a quick additional research and found that there is also a neat VS Code Extension that allows to have a preview on every update. So the next target was to automate the gen...
On March 11th I was speaking at Ciklum's Speakers' Corner about introduction to the big data. First of all I'd like to thank the HR department of Ciklum especially Rimma and Alexandra for giving me this opportunity and the great place at Ciklum's SkyPoint . And of course I'd like to thank the everyone who came to this event for very nice professional discussion and good questions. I really appreciate your feedback, I already see few areas where I could improve my presentation skills as well as to ameliorate the topic of discussion, I think it is very important to keep in touch with the audience. For me also, I was happy to talk about the things I'm interested in and to find the like-minded people which could be a good start for a big data community in Ukraine. The presentation it-self is available here .