Dev: PlantUML + VS Code + GitLab
I was looking for a way to share some details of implementation with my colleagues and in the same time to have it as a documentation on which we could collaborate and evolve it. It also should have been visual to have a better understating on composition. I could of course draw it from scratch using any existing drawing tool, but since I had quite a lot of types to put on, I gave up on the idea of never-ending copy/pasting from code to the diagram. Fortunately, one of my colleagues suggested me to try PlantUML . I gave it a try using an online editor and was surprised by the efficiency and the speed my diagram started to get in shape. It's much more easier to write a text and the syntax is very intuitive, so why bother with drawing and aligning those boxes while you can just leave it on PlantUML? We did a quick additional research and found that there is also a neat VS Code Extension that allows to have a preview on every update. So the next target was to automate the gen...