
Showing posts from January, 2013

Books: Privacy and Big Data

Privacy and Big Data by Terence Craig and Mary E. Ludloff is a great book that addresses the today's issues on privacy in the world of the "big data". The authors are discussing two major points of view on the privacy: the U.S. view of privacy as a commodity, and EU's view of privacy as an essential human right. Terence Craig and Mary E. Ludloff are trying to explain that your digital footprint is not only about your online activity and advertisement, but it also about the video surveillance, laws that are allowing government agencies to intrude into your private life in the name of security and many more. I recommend this book to whom is concerned about their privacy, it won't say you what to do but at least it will increase the level of your awareness.

Dev: NuGet + Jasmin + Chutzpah = JS unit testing

There is an easy way to do the unit-testing of the JavaSctipt scripts in Visual Studio. All you need is a NuGet package manager to install the Jasmin Test Framework . It will create few folders and files in your project: Content, Controllers, Scripts and a View. Feel free to delete JasminController.cs, jasmine-samlpes and Jasmin view, just keep the core Jasmin JavaScript files. We don't really need them as we'll install the  Chutzpah . Install the version of the Chutzpah  Visual Studio extension depending on the version of the Visual Studio you have. It will add a menu items "Run JS Tests" and "Run JS Tests in browser", the first just outputs the results into the console the later to the browser. The important thing is to add the references of the JavaScript files under the tests into your tests files. /// <reference path="Player.js"> /// <reference path="Song.js"> /// <reference path="SpecHelper.js...

Time for the "different"

Most of our time in the modern adult's moreover family life during the working time is split into parts: sleep, work, family and kids, friends. During vacations it's all about traveling, enjoying, resting, making the difference from one described above. So I asked myself is there any time for your-self to stop, to think through the things you are doing everyday to make something better, to change the way your own life goes or to ameliorate someone's life? Is there a time for the new ideas and information, for self-education, time for the "different" between the time for kids, friends, work, sleep, traveling and entertainment? Or the privilege of this kind of time is only for students, unemployed, rich, without kids, single or even a recluse? How can someone who is waking up at 7:00 to take his kids to school, goes to work, works, has a lunch, works again, has an after-work drink, goes to home, plays with kids, goes to sleep can have a time to think of something b...